Saturday, June 29, 2013

CPCBMS Summer!

Hi guys! It is summer (or almost summer) for most of us, so I decided to have a special event here that will last all summer long! First, on Sunday June 30th, there will be an igloo contest! Make your best summer igloo and email it to before August 10. Then, on August 11, the winner will be announced! I know that it is a long time to have a contest, but it will give you tons of time to submit the perfect igloo! Then, on July 2 there will be a graphics giveaway! I will be posting tons of free graphics for you guys to use! On July 20th, I will be having my birthday party on Club Penguin! Watch this video for more details! After that, there will be a giveaway on August 10! The prize is a mystery! It could be a membership, a graphic, a toy code, anything! Then, on August 25, I will be having an end of summer party! Details will be coming soon! And keep watching the blog, my twitter, and my youtube for updates! :)