I joined Club Penguin on May 28, 2007. My cousins told us about Club Penguin, and they helped me sign up. When I was signing up, there were so many usernames already taken. The username I wanted at first was CutiePie8, because I was about to turn 8 and it was my favorite number. But, that was taken. Then I thought of Mango Smango. I really liked that name, so I used it! As soon as I logged on, I loved it! A few weeks later, the Water Party 2007 started. I loved all of the water around the island! I still remember being exited to log on evrey day and go to the Water Party. That is still my favorite party ever on Club Penguin! But after about a year, I forgot about club penguin. I wasnt on for almost two years! I finally logged back on in December 2009. That is when I started to really like Club Penguin! I discovered cheat sites and more. But Club Penguin had changed alot. Now there were lots of members only things and it diddint seem as fun. So, I decided to get a membership. After that I played alot more. In August 2011, I wanted to make my own club penguin website. I started to plan it all out. But, my parents wouldnt let me make a website. So I applied to be an author on lots of different sites. I waited for a long time, but I never got to be an author on any of those sites. I decided to ask my parents if I could make a website again, and this time they said yes. I started working on Club Penguin Cheats by Mango Smango immeadiately. But, there was a problem. The website maker I was using wasnt very good, and I couldnt figure out how to get my website online. So I went online and found webs.com. I started making my site with that, and it was perfect! It offically opened on December 6, 2011. It was a good site, but after a few weeks it started to get boring. It was missing graphics! There were no pictures or anything. So I tried to make graphics. My graphics werent that good at first. I diddin't even use a photo editor. But eventually, I found a photo editor online and I started making better graphics! They quickly got better and better. A few months later I learned how to use html and css. I started to download templates and play around with them to make them my own. In January, I joined youtube. I found tons of other club penguin channels and started to make my own videos. After a few weeks, I started to get more and more subscribers. Now I have more than 150! Later, In August 2012, I decided to remake my website and move to blogger. Now it is faster with better graphics. In late August 2012, I made a twitter account for my penguin, MangoSmangoCP. I go on it often, so follow me if you want! In September, I made my own graphics site, Awesome Club Penguin Graphics. Now It has been almost a year since I asked my parents to make a website. Only two years ago, I had no idea how to make graphics and I diddint even know what html was. Around October 2012, I got a domain name, and this site became clubpenguincheatsbymangosmango.com! Now a year later in November 2013, I have over 1000 twitter followers and more than 200 youtube subscribers, and i'm getting more every day! More coming soon! I will update this as more things happen!
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